Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Wedding Shoe Game


The Wedding Shoe Game Couple hands one of their shoe’s to their spouse to represent them. They sit back to back and are asked questions that begin with WHO...? The couple raises the shoe of their spouse or themselves. We play up to lucky 7 or 10. 

 1. Who fell in love first? 

 2. Who is more likely to stay at work late? 

 3. Who do you trust more behind the wheel? 

 4. Who is more of a clean freak? 

 5. Who made the first move? 

 6. Who's more likely to burn the house down when they're cooking dinner? 

 7. Who plans the best date nights? 

 8. Who is the romantic? 

 9. Who is the first to apologize? 

 10. Who wears the pants in the relationship? 

 11. Who is more likely to start an argument? 

 12. Who spends a longer amount of time getting ready for a night out? 

 13. Who's an early riser? 

 14. Who has the crazier family? 

 15. Who's the most likely to cry at a movie? 

 16. Who eats the most junk food? 

 17. Who is more likely to get lost? 

 18. Who is more likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket? 

 19. Who is the bigger shopaholic? 

 20. Who saves more money? 

 21. Who is the better kisser? 

 22. Who said "I love you first?" 

 Audience questions that start with WHO...